Episodes & ShowNotes

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

Lena eagerly recounts a vivid dream her daughter experienced recently. In the dream, her daughter awakens to a deceptive reality, discovering an strange crimson door within her room. Intrigued, she ventures forth, only to stumble upon a chilling tale of murder within a haunting abode. Amidst the eerie silence, an elderly woman remains indifferent to […]

Hippie Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

Nicole recounts a vivid childhood dream that has remained etched in her memory for years, and it’s no surprise given its surreal nature. In the dream, a young Nicole wanders through a strip mall, anxiously searching for her mother, only to stumble upon a peculiar taxidermy restaurant. Despite the unsettling atmosphere, Nicole’s determination leads her […]

Taxidermy Mom Dream

Dream Snippet

In Alyssa’s vivid recollection of a dream, she becomes entangled in a nightmarish scenario within the confines of a college auditorium. A stern teacher, relentless in her pursuit of discipline, scolds Alyssa for an infraction as trivial as laughter during class. The tension escalates as the teacher becomes determined to chase Alyssa down, leaving her […]

Teacher Apology Dream

Dream Snippet

Kathy unveils a nightmarish dream on the podcast that plunges us into the depths of her unsettling experience. What begins as a delightful trip to the cafe takes a sinister turn when she senses a persistent follower. With every step she takes to escape, her pursuer matches her pace, escalating her fear. As terror sets […]

Good Samaritan Dream

Dream Snippet

Roger sends in a chilling nightmare to the show, recounting a terrifying experience where he’s thrust into the heart of Camp Crystal Lake, a notorious setting for horrors, with a chainsaw-wielding maniac hot on his heels. The relentless pursuit leaves Roger drained and on the verge of giving in to the grim realization that escape […]

Camp Crystal Lake Dream

Dream Snippet

Gina recounts a haunting dream where her usual pre-dawn run morphs into a chilling chase. An innocent, neighborly wave unexpectedly triggers an intense pursuit by a morning landscaper. As Gina strategizes her escape, the pivotal question emerges: Can she outpace the looming danger? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/

 Morning Run Axe Murderer Dream

Dream Snippet

Melissa recounts a haunting dream that jolted her awake, her heart racing. Within the dream, a barren room becomes the backdrop to an eerie encounter. A man, with skin as pale as moonlight, stands at its center. Though an inexplicable pull draws her towards him, Melissa senses deception in his crimson-stained, razor-sharp smile. Yet, his […]

Vampire Smirk Dream

Dream Snippet