Episodes & ShowNotes

Chloe reveals a dream where she meets an attractive, tall, tan guy with a sports car, only to find that he’s not what he seems. The encounter takes a dark turn when he suddenly informs her of her impending and immediate death. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Backseat Slasher Dream

Dream Snippet

Shayla shares a recent dream where she takes her family to an amusement park themed entirely around carnivorous plants. From rides to restaurants and even the souvenir shop, the park’s eerie atmosphere leaves everyone feeling uneasy by the end of the day. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Carnivorous Plant Amusement Park Dream

Dream Snippet

Kate recounts a dream about the end of time. As she walks toward heaven’s pearly gates, she is bewildered by a bizarre rapture: forks and spoons cascading from the sky, creating a surreal and perplexing vision that leaves her questioning the nature of her ethereal journey. | Episode 137 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/

Sky Utensils Dream

Dream Snippet

Les shares a dream where he’s relaxing on a tropical resort vacation. Perhaps a little too relaxed, he suddenly realizes he doesn’t know what’s happening, who he’s with, or why strangers are throwing him a surprise party. The confusion turns his idyllic getaway into a surreal and unsettling experience. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Tropical Vacation Dream

Dream Snippet

Donna’s submission to the show unveils a recurring dream that grips her with an unsettling unease. In her dream, a mysterious stranger invades her home, meticulously preparing it for a sale against her will. Struggling to comprehend this intrusion, Donna grapples with the enigma of why her haven is being invaded by an overbearing real […]

Not Selling Dream

Dream Snippet

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]

Morphing Dog Dream

Dream Snippet

Dan recounts a curious dream where he emerges as the victor, claiming a substantial $9,000 prize from a game. However, his skepticism toward the game operators prompts him to demand proof of his winnings, which he receives in the form of a collection of peculiar, possibly valuable artifacts. Amidst the uncertainty, Dan hopes that this […]

Claw Machine Prize Dream

Dream Snippet

Angel shares a captivating dream where an intriguing first date unfolds in a dimly lit restaurant, setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. However, when the lights suddenly illuminate the room, Angel’s anticipation turns to shock as he discovers a scene that instantly curbs his appetite: a flash mob of nude individuals surrounds him, gyrating […]

Dark Dining Dream

Dream Snippet

Tara recounts a vivid dream on the podcast, one where she’s immersed in decorating for a lively party. However, the festive atmosphere abruptly shifts when the delivery guy’s eagerness to attend morphs into unsettling obsession. Tara’s distress deepens as she finds herself alone in her fear, her boyfriend’s indifference to her plea for assistance leaving […]

Unwelcome Delivery Dream

Dream Snippet

Lena eagerly recounts a vivid dream her daughter experienced recently. In the dream, her daughter awakens to a deceptive reality, discovering an strange crimson door within her room. Intrigued, she ventures forth, only to stumble upon a chilling tale of murder within a haunting abode. Amidst the eerie silence, an elderly woman remains indifferent to […]

Hippie Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kristen’s tranquil dream, she embarks on a journey to the summit of a hill where she discovers Buddha reclining under a serene tree. Together, they revel in the beauty and tranquility of the moment, indulging in the simple joy of sharing an apple. | Episode 121 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/penthouse-party/

Apple with Buddha Dream

Dream Snippet