Episodes & ShowNotes

Chris shares a nightmare scenario where his scariest enemy isn’t visible, but palpable, its presence looming around outside his home. He battles the unseen foe fiercely, driven by the need to protect his family and beloved fiancée from the intangible terror that threatens their safety and peace of mind. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Heavy Fog Dream

Dream Snippet

Gretchen shares a poignant dream story with the podcast, recounting a night when she was visited by her late mother. In the dim light of a stairwell, her mother makes a ghostly appearance, silently vanishing before Gretchen’s eyes. The next morning, her brother confirms the eerie encounter, leaving Gretchen both unsettled and comforted by the […]

Mother Visitation Dream

Dream Snippet

Mya divulges a recurring dream that plunges her into the heart of a forest, where she races desperately to evade a relentless pursuer, their snarls and snapping teeth echoing through the dense foliage. With each frantic stride, she inches closer to the threshold of escape, until finally reaching the doorway. As she hesitantly glances back, […]

Self Chasing Dream

Dream Snippet

In Leng’s unsettling dream, he comes face to face with a deceased Buddhist monk who has transformed into a menacing zombie. Fleeing from the undead horror, Leng and his companions hastily seek sanctuary within the walls of a nearby temple. Their hope is to wait out the encroaching malevolence, sheltered from its grasp. | Episode […]

Zombie Monk Dream

Dream Snippet

Tara recounts a vivid dream on the podcast, one where she’s immersed in decorating for a lively party. However, the festive atmosphere abruptly shifts when the delivery guy’s eagerness to attend morphs into unsettling obsession. Tara’s distress deepens as she finds herself alone in her fear, her boyfriend’s indifference to her plea for assistance leaving […]

Unwelcome Delivery Dream

Dream Snippet

Lena eagerly recounts a vivid dream her daughter experienced recently. In the dream, her daughter awakens to a deceptive reality, discovering an strange crimson door within her room. Intrigued, she ventures forth, only to stumble upon a chilling tale of murder within a haunting abode. Amidst the eerie silence, an elderly woman remains indifferent to […]

Hippie Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

Kaitlyn takes listeners on an exhilarating journey through her vivid dream world, recounting a whimsical day trip with her mom that quickly takes a bizarre turn. Their ascent up a waterfall unexpectedly leads them into a perilous encounter with crocodiles in a sewer pipe. But just when you think the adventure is over, it takes […]

Crocodile Pipe Dream

Dream Snippet

Larsen unfolds a vivid dream, navigating a surreal realm where he seamlessly transitions from one character to another. He leaps into the shoes of a homeless man, caked in mud, then seamlessly transforms into a town bard crooning about the perils of infection. The dream culminates in a dangerous portrayal of a cave-dwelling couple. This […]

Quantum Leap Dream

Dream Snippet

Nicholas takes center stage in our dream log, weaving a narrative about finding himself in an airplane on the cusp of takeoff to an unknown destination. Yet, as the plane accelerates down the runway, a minor hiccup emerges, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the impending journey. The question lingers: will the glitch be rectified […]

Airplane Mashed Potatoes Dream

Dream Snippet

Williams shares a dream in which he leaps between bathrooms, transitioning from an intimate single-occupancy space to a vast, expansive wide open warehouse restroom on the loading dock. Yet, in each setting, he struggles to find the privacy he needs to attend to his affairs. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Warehouse Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet