Episodes & ShowNotes

Jon recounts a gruesome dream where a vacation with his parents turns horrifying. Looking in the mirror, he sees his eye infected and his entire face peeling away. Despite the horrifying sight, his mom remains unconcerned and dismisses the terrifying disease as nothing serious. | Episode 140 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Eye Infection Dream

Dream Snippet

Ryan recalls a dream where he strangely witnesses his own funeral, a surreal premonition that unsettles him deeply. The dream also leaves him with a haunting imperative: he must somehow disable his GPS, fearing that failing to do so could cause his dreams to manifest in reality. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

GPS Demon Dream

Dream Snippet

Lisa writes into a podcast about a surreal and disturbing dream she had. In the dream, she was looking forward to a fun night out with friends. However, the evening took a bizarre turn when she suddenly became magnetized. Pins and small metal objects began attaching themselves to the inside of her mouth, turning a […]

Magnetized Pins Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris shares a nightmare scenario where his scariest enemy isn’t visible, but palpable, its presence looming around outside his home. He battles the unseen foe fiercely, driven by the need to protect his family and beloved fiancée from the intangible terror that threatens their safety and peace of mind. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Heavy Fog Dream

Dream Snippet

Fran divulges a haunting, recurring dream to the group, recounting the chilling presence of a faceless woman draped in ethereal white. The figure’s striking feature—a lone tooth protruding eerily from her otherwise featureless visage—leaves an unsettling impression on each listener, shrouding them in a collective unease. | Episode 125 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-gonna-be-bait-grunch-mccurdy-cropsey-and-char-man/

Lady in White Dream

Dream Snippet

Leslie unveils a dream to the podcast, depicting an eerily vacant mall food court with less-than-appetizing culinary options. Undeterred by the lackluster dining scene, Leslie, determined to make the best of the situation, opts to join her parents in observing a martial arts tournament, injecting the possible thrill of combat into the dream’s otherwise mundane […]

Mall Food Court Dream

Dream Snippet

Harry recounts a dream where he navigates through diverse settings—a hospital, an airport, and ultimately a quaint bookstore. In the small bookshop, his attention is captivated and infuriated simultaneously by a book on display, creating a curious blend of fascination and frustration within him as he is amused. | Episode 114 Full Episode Link – […]

Space Management Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet

Laurence delves into her dream on the podcast, revealing a vivid portrayal where the strains of real-life stressors infiltrate her subconscious. The dream unfolds amidst a holiday dinner fraught with family drama and heated debates about her parenting skills, leaving Laurence exasperated with her mother. However, in a remarkable turn of events, her resilient 6-year-old […]

Family Dinner Drama Dream

Dream Snippet

Fatima recounts a perplexing dream, finding herself bewildered by the presence of a drunken elderly lady standing in her driveway. As the dream unfolds, it becomes apparent that this seemingly harmless granny harbors malicious intentions. With a makeshift weapon in hand, the elderly woman takes swings at Fatima, prompting a frantic escape where Fatima, despite […]

 Drunk Driveway Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

Lisa recounts a haunting dream in which she finds herself entranced by an innocent-looking toddler with blonde hair and a pink dress, but beneath that cherubic facade lies a chilling thirst for blood. Despite Lisa’s desperate attempts to warn those around her about this treacherous toddler, her pleas fall on deaf ears, and no one […]

Blood Thirsty Toddler Chase Dream

Dream Snippet

On the Halloween episode, JD recounts a nightmarish experience. While engaged in a phone call with his parents, he suddenly becomes aware of a heinous crime occurring in the background. His desperate pleas to the unknown assailant to spare his mom and dad go unanswered, plunging him into a chilling, helpless ordeal. | Episode 93 […]

Phone Call Axe Murder Dream

Dream Snippet