Abigail’s dream was an epic adventure! She teamed up with superhero friends, watched school performances, and battled alien robots. Dessert recipes went hilariously wrong, and just when things couldn’t get weirder, an underground monster appears—offering negotiations for escape! Talk about a rollercoaster dream of saving the world and dodging monsters. | Episode 153lucid Full Episode […]
Gracie recounts a recent dream where she’s frantically rushing through an airport—a relatable scene, until it turns nightmarish as she’s fleeing from a weapon-wielding psychopath! Thankfully, her brother swoops in at the last second, saving the day in true bad-ass fashion. | Episode 151 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-ghouls-got-my-identity-cryptids-to-give-you-nightmares/
Dylan recounts a dream where he’s enjoying a carefree day on the upper deck of a cruise ship. His relaxation turns to concern as the ship drifts dangerously close to shore—disaster strikes! To make things worse, his sister ramps up the chaos, taking an already bad situation to the next level. | Episode 148 Full […]
Logan submitted a dream to the podcast where he finds his family dog in a familiar home setting. But things take a bizarre turn when the dog starts reading the Bible, burning sage, and holding a cross. Confused by this doggy séance, Logan is left wondering what it all means. | Episode 148 Full Episode […]
Host Mindy shares a tense dream where she unexpectedly becomes the caregiver of a small child at a school. When an unfit parent arrives to reclaim the child, Mindy feels an overwhelming sense of dread, bracing for the worst. This unsettling dream captures the fear and responsibility of protecting the vulnerable. | Episode 146 Content […]
Sierra’s recent lifestyle changes have sparked intensely vivid dreams. In one, she receives a mysterious message on her Apple Watch seeing a video of an aunt she has never met, leaving her both intrigued and unsettled as she tries to decipher its meaning. | Episode 145 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/tag-team-of-death-butterfly-people-of-joplin/
Jess shares a dream on the podcast where she finds herself on a bus alongside an old-time, two-dimensional figure of her father. The flat, eerie image of him leaves her unsettled as the dream unfolds. | Episode 145 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/tag-team-of-death-butterfly-people-of-joplin/
Emily recounts a recent dream on the podcast where her sleep is disrupted by a mischievous dwarf rummaging through her bedroom, eager to steal anything within reach with her greedy little hands. | Episode 145 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/tag-team-of-death-butterfly-people-of-joplin/
Chris submits a dream for interpretation that propels him on a financial quest. It begins in an unusual cashless casino, leads him to assist a financially struggling friend, and ends with him absentmindedly searching for an ATM while forgetting to pay the bill at a restaurant. | Episode 143 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/off-the-record-effective-morning-routines/
Ryan recalls a dream where he strangely witnesses his own funeral, a surreal premonition that unsettles him deeply. The dream also leaves him with a haunting imperative: he must somehow disable his GPS, fearing that failing to do so could cause his dreams to manifest in reality. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/
Kenny shares a haunting dream with the show where his father makes a ghostly visitation, calling his name just beyond the reaches of his sight. In the dream, his father’s presence feels eerily real, yet comforting, as if trying to convey a message from another realm. The atmosphere is surreal along a path, adding to […]
Chris shares a nightmare scenario where his scariest enemy isn’t visible, but palpable, its presence looming around outside his home. He battles the unseen foe fiercely, driven by the need to protect his family and beloved fiancée from the intangible terror that threatens their safety and peace of mind. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]