Episodes & ShowNotes

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

Katelyn, a first-time sharer, recounts a vivid dream where she stumbles upon illicit substances in a bustling nightclub, triggering a frantic escape from pursuing law enforcement officers by skillfully maneuvering through the chaos on grocery carts. Her adrenaline-fueled adventure takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly becomes an heiress, only to find herself ensnared as […]

Cop Raid Dream

Dream Snippet

Chase recounts a harrowing dream where his real-life struggle to breathe seamlessly intertwines with his REM cycle. In the dream, he undergoes surgery on his nose to alleviate his breathing difficulties, only to awaken from anesthesia to a horrifying realization—the doctor has committed a grave error, leaving Chase to grapple with the consequences of an […]

Penis Surgery Dream

Dream Snippet

Joey finds himself plunged into a dream where he encounters a younger version of himself, poised for a family dinner in a peculiar setting—a hotel room, adorned with sheep-like figures adorning the doorways. Yet, the strange atmosphere is compounded by his mother’s erratic behavior; she consumes everyone’s food, her actions tinged with an unsettling uneasiness. […]

Sheep People Dream

Dream Snippet

Jen recounts a deeply unsettling and stomach-churning dream, in which her husband commits a brazen act of theft by snatching a hamburger from outside a hospital. Despite their greedy indulgence in the pilfered burger, their enjoyment quickly turns to horror upon discovering that it’s not made of beef, but something far more repulsive. As instant […]

Stolen Burger Dream

Dream Snippet

Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]

Morphing Dog Dream

Dream Snippet

Cleo captivates the audience with her surreal dream, recounting a perplexing scenario where she finds herself on the verge of giving birth, despite her stomach appearing flat and denying any signs of pregnancy. Amidst the confusion, Cleo is surrounded by a chorus of believers—from her family and boyfriend to the medical professionals—insisting on the imminent […]

Flat Stomach Pregnancy Dream

Dream Snippet

Kara vividly recalls a dream on the podcast, one that begins innocently enough with the familiar jingle of an ice cream truck echoing through the neighborhood. However, what follows shatters the tranquility as Kara and her sister are overcome by an unsettling sensation. Instead of eagerly anticipating sweet, cold treats, their unease intensifies when a […]

Clown Bus Dream

Dream Snippet

Sebastian shares a captivating dream on the podcast, a dream that initially unfolds as a perfect beach day with his beloved dad and brothers. Yet, as dreams often do, the scenario takes an unexpected turn, transforming the tranquil seaside setting into an impromptu surgical unit. Despite the unforeseen twist, they seize the opportunity to make […]

Phalloplasty Dream

Dream Snippet

A mysterious dream submission graces our podcast, painting a vivid picture of a pixelated Pokémon character that captivates our imagination with its charm and whimsy. Yet, as the dream transitions, we find ourselves transported to the familiar warmth of grandma’s house. However, amidst the cozy nostalgia, a hint of concern arises as grandma’s traditional methods […]

Tamagotchi Dream

Dream Snippet

Fran divulges a haunting, recurring dream to the group, recounting the chilling presence of a faceless woman draped in ethereal white. The figure’s striking feature—a lone tooth protruding eerily from her otherwise featureless visage—leaves an unsettling impression on each listener, shrouding them in a collective unease. | Episode 125 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-gonna-be-bait-grunch-mccurdy-cropsey-and-char-man/

Lady in White Dream

Dream Snippet

Tanya recounts a troubling dream where a budding romance abruptly fizzles as her new love interest vanishes without a trace, spooked by anonymous sexting messages purportedly from Tanya’s phone. Left bewildered by the mystery of the unsent videos, she grapples with the unsettling question: if Tanya didn’t send them, then who did? | Episode 125 […]

Embarrassing Texts Dream

Dream Snippet