Episodes & ShowNotes

Gracie recounts a recent dream where she’s frantically rushing through an airport—a relatable scene, until it turns nightmarish as she’s fleeing from a weapon-wielding psychopath! Thankfully, her brother swoops in at the last second, saving the day in true bad-ass fashion. | Episode 151 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/a-ghouls-got-my-identity-cryptids-to-give-you-nightmares/

Airport Chase Dream

Dream Snippet

Joshua recounts a surreal dream where the planet has been overrun by communist aliens, who impose a bizarre new order—forcing humanity to abandon all modern technology and return to an analog way of life. In this dystopian world, the aliens even indoctrinate the world’s children by making them watch old approved episodes of Doctor Who, […]

Alien Communists Dream
