Episodes & ShowNotes

Bec submits a dream to the podcast that begins with an innocent family game night. However, the evening takes a dark turn when a strange and unwelcome figure from her torturous past appears as her game partner, filling her with a sense of dread and unease. The familiar comfort of family is overshadowed by the […]

Family Game Night Dream

Dream Snippet

Host Mindy shares a harrowing nightmare where a typically joyful day at the waterpark takes a dark turn as the U.S. is suddenly invaded by Russia. Amid the chaos, her beloved husband Marc finds himself in the deadly line of fire for breaking a rule, turning their day of fun into a desperate fight for […]

Waterpark Execution Dream

Dream Snippet

In her dream, Francine unveils a ritual promising to unveil one’s soulmate across the globe. By adhering to precise instructions, seekers can connect with their destined partner. Her revelation sparks intrigue, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the realm where fate intertwines with serendipity to unite kindred spirits. | Episode 133 Full Episode Link – http://remelations.com/dusta-busta-rhymes-exploring-personality-tests

Midnight Soulmates Dream

Dream Snippet

Monica unravels a captivating dream brimming with intrigue and unexpected plot twists. Embarking on a hike through a foreign landscape with her ex-partner, Monica finds herself facing perilous circumstances. However, her anxiety dissipates when her childhood companions, the lovable Smurfs, come to her aid. In a remarkable turn of events, they transform her ex-partner into […]

Hiking Smurf Dream

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Lars unveils a riveting dream on the show, a prophetic narrative foretelling a series of apocalyptic disasters – from dictators to earthquakes, asteroids, droughts, and tsunamis. The chilling imagery prompts a soul-searching question: Is there any hope for humanity in the face of such ominous predictions? | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

End of the World Dictator Dream

Dream Snippet

Tadasay recounts a dream of embarking on a short European vacation, filled with the anticipation of catching a flight. The dream, however, takes a challenging turn as she navigates seemingly endless flights of stairs, leaving her fatigued and, to her dismay, missing not just one but both of her flights. The lingering question remains: will […]

Cat Cargo Dream

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In Lisa’s dream, she unfolds a narrative of a post-apocalyptic world marred by nuclear fallout. Amidst this desolation, Lisa discovers an unlikely companion in the Grim Reaper, whose skeletal image takes on a surprising warmth. As their friendship blossoms from the confines of their adjacent apartments, he gradually unveils a softer side of himself to […]

New Species Dream

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Caroline sends an intriguing email to the podcast, sharing a whimsical dream in which she invents a fictitious detail about Japan. In this imaginative scenario, she fabricates a peculiar mandate that requires every citizen to carry exclusively personalized writing utensils, strictly forbidden to be shared, with consequences for loss. What makes Caroline’s dream even more […]

Personalized Japanese Pencil Dream

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Geri unfolds a captivating pregnancy dream on the podcast, transporting herself to a tranquil Mexican beach. To her astonishment, Geri experiences the onset of labor amidst this serene backdrop. However, the real shock comes when she gives birth to an unexpected and delicate newborn, leaving her with a myriad of questions about how to care […]

Bread Baby Dream

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Patty delves into a dream narrative where she finds herself it’s a table surrounded by a group of unfamiliar faces. As conversations ebb and flow, it becomes unmistakably clear that these strangers are bound by a common and fervent affection for tiny horses. But as she observes more keenly, Patty notices something distinctly unusual about […]

Tiny Horses Dream

Dream Snippet

In a vivid and striking dream, Tiffany vividly recalls her ex-husband nonchalantly dropping off a towering pile of his impulsive buys right at her front door. As she curiously sifts through the unexpected, chaotic clutter, she gradually uncovers several invaluable treasures and hidden gems amidst the overwhelming mess. | Episode 100 Full Episode Link – […]

Truckloads of Junk Dream

Dream Snippet