In Ben’s vivid nightmare, the world was ending as a meteor hurtled toward Earth. But instead of chaos, people united in kindness, helping one another in their final moments. The dream portrayed a serene, almost surreal end to humanity, where compassion and connection took precedence over fear and panic. | Episode 147 Full Episode Link […]
Amanda recounts a dream where she unexpectedly finds herself in an arranged marriage with a daughter she doesn’t remember having. Amidst dark times of war, as one husband departs, another emerges to comfort and protect her, even though she finds him unsettling, it is nice to receive unexpected support in challenging circumstances. | Episode 141 […]
Jennifer bravely emails the podcast to share a haunting recurring dream from her youth, revealing disturbing tendencies. In this chilling example, a terrifying creature invades the room, and Jennifer shockingly volunteers her own sister as tribute to satisfy the monster’s insatiable appetite, showcasing the darkness within her youthful subconscious. | Episode 135 Full Episode Link […]
Javier submits a dream to the podcast, narrating a surreal scenario where he stands at a literal fork in the road. In this dream sequence, an old school friend serves as his guide, urging him to embark on the beautiful and picturesque path, while the opposing route veers into darkness. The podcast host leaves the […]
Keith shares a chilling dream with REMelations that plunges us into a harrowing nightmare. In his vision, he’s trapped in a sinister amusement park where every attraction is a perilous dance with death. From the sword-wielding operator of the Gravitron ride to the roller coaster hurtling toward certain doom, this dream keeps us teetering on […]