Episodes & ShowNotes

Michaela dreamt of a local cricket pitch where she faced a lion. The chase was on, and she and her brother barely reached their house. Suddenly, the lion transformed into an evil woman in red, as dangerous as the beast. This nightmarish encounter left Michaela wondering about its meaning. | Episode 142 Content Warning: Death […]

Deadly Lioness Dream

Dream Snippet

Noah recounts a dream where he finds himself trapped in an elevator, desperately trying to go up while all the other passengers insist on going down. Despite his efforts, the elevator plummets downward, descending too fast for his comfort, filling him with a sense of fear and helplessness. | Episode 141 Full Episode Link – […]

Crashing Elevator Dream

Dream Snippet

Hans shares his desperate need to understand his recurring bathroom dream. In this unsettling scenario, he’s constantly thwarted by elusive bathrooms—either they’re missing doors, impossible to find, or even occupied by crocodiles. No matter what, something always prevents Hans from taking care of his business. | Episode 140 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Recurring Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet

Francesca recounts a dream where a road trip with her son takes a terrifying turn. After a routine police roadblock, chaos ensues as she desperately tries to remove a snake from her moving car. The fear and urgency of the situation make it a nightmare she can’t forget. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full […]

Cop Impersonator Dream

Dream Snippet

Ryan recalls a dream where he strangely witnesses his own funeral, a surreal premonition that unsettles him deeply. The dream also leaves him with a haunting imperative: he must somehow disable his GPS, fearing that failing to do so could cause his dreams to manifest in reality. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

GPS Demon Dream

Dream Snippet

Alexia shares a recurring dream where she’s stranded on the side of the interstate with her four children, helpless as her laughing husband speeds away, refusing to help. The unsettling image of abandonment and isolation haunts her, making the dream particularly disturbing. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Unhelpful Husband Dream

Dream Snippet

In Elena’s dream, a late-night drive for a family vacation forces her family to stop for the night. However, their sleeping conditions are worse than expected, causing Tina to fend for her life against venomous occupants in a terrifying and surreal struggle for survival for her family. | Episode 139 Content Warning: Animal Harm Full […]

Infested Shed Dream

Dream Snippet

An anonymous dream recounts a nightmare where the dreamer is barricaded inside a house with no cell service to call 911. Intruders relentlessly ram down the door, escalating the tension and stress for everyone who hears the harrowing tale. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Home Invasion Dream

Dream Snippet

Ashley recalls a stressful dream scenario where her roof suddenly becomes engulfed in flames. In a panic, she rushes outside to find her boyfriend making a feeble attempt to extinguish the fire. To her dismay, no one, not even her family members, seems to show concern about the raging blaze. Amidst the chaos, Ashley’s primary […]

Roof on Fire Dream

Dream Snippet

Gretchen recounts a dream where a fun four-wheeler excursion with her boyfriend takes a bizarre and comedic turn. Out of nowhere, a serpent riding a moped begins to chase them relentlessly, turning their adventurous outing into a surreal and frightful escapade filled with unexpected twists. | Episode 138 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/caffeine-and-electrolytes-real-life-celebrity-nightmares/

Moped Rattlesnake Dream

Dream Snippet

Emily shares a frustrating dream in which she is on an endless quest to find her missing shampoo and conditioner. After a seemingly eternal search, she finally locates them, only to face another obstacle: there isn’t a single available shower in sight. Despite her efforts, she is left with dirty hair and a deep sense […]

Shampoo Conditioner Dream

Dream Snippet

Val recalls a recent dream where, on her wedding day, transportation issues create less-than-ideal conditions to reach her nuptials. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s pouring rain. Amid the chaos, Val finds herself wondering if the rain might actually be a sign of good luck on her special day. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Wedding Transportation Stress Dream

Dream Snippet