Episodes & ShowNotes

Francesca recounts a dream where a road trip with her son takes a terrifying turn. After a routine police roadblock, chaos ensues as she desperately tries to remove a snake from her moving car. The fear and urgency of the situation make it a nightmare she can’t forget. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full […]

Cop Impersonator Dream

Dream Snippet

Naomi submits a dream to the REMelations podcast where ‘Ghost Adventures’ host Zak Bagans pleads for her help with a new paranormal investigation. The eerie adventure starts in her high school gym but soon leads them deep into the woods. There, Zak becomes possessed by malevolent entities, leaving Naomi as his only hope for salvation. […]

Zak Bagans Possession Dream

Dream Snippet

Kate shares a dream where her secret real-life crush arrives to escort her to prom. The odd part? She’s 25, well past prom age. Just as she’s grappling with this surreal moment, he leaves without her, adding an even more perplexing twist to her dream. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/chicken-of-the-trees-celebrity-besties/

Adult Prom Dream

Dream Snippet

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

N recounts a dream where a seemingly mundane act—a coworker offering her a fresh pineapple—serves as the catalyst for a blossoming relationship. As they transition from sharing pineapples in the office to exploring deeper connections, the dream hints at the tantalizing allure of the fruit, perhaps serving as an unexpected aphrodisiac in their romantic journey.| […]

Office Pineapple Dream

Dream Snippet

Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]

Morphing Dog Dream

Dream Snippet

Cleo captivates the audience with her surreal dream, recounting a perplexing scenario where she finds herself on the verge of giving birth, despite her stomach appearing flat and denying any signs of pregnancy. Amidst the confusion, Cleo is surrounded by a chorus of believers—from her family and boyfriend to the medical professionals—insisting on the imminent […]

Flat Stomach Pregnancy Dream

Dream Snippet

Carolyn adds a touch of hilarity to the podcast with her dream anecdote, recounting the bizarre scenario where her husband’s leg transformed into a delectable treat. Amidst the laughter, she describes her struggle to resist the temptation to take a bite, recognizing the absurdity before it went too far. | Episode 128 Full Episode Link […]

Taco Leg Dream

Dream Snippet

Lauren contributes to the dream-sharing session with a gripping narrative, recounting a surreal experience where she is thrust into a tense confrontation. In her dream, she bravely defends a friend from the unsettling advances of a creepy individual, the air thick with tension as punches are exchanged. What sets this encounter apart is the unsettling […]

Punch a Creeper Dream

Dream Snippet

Fred shares a captivating dream experience where he finds himself walking alongside the girl of his dreams in perfect harmony. However, the tranquility is abruptly interrupted as her clothing inexplicably ignites, unveiling a mysterious and enigmatic blueprint beneath, a secret she’s eager to reveal to Fred. Alongside this revelation, a cryptic language unfurls before him, […]

Comfortable Fire Dream

Dream Snippet

Carla shares a dream that blurs the line between fantasy and a childhood memory, leaving her emotionally stirred upon waking. In this enigmatic reverie, her grandfather emerges, evoking a tapestry of emotions that linger beyond the dream, casting a poignant spell on Carla’s waking moments. | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

Early Memories Dream

Dream Snippet

In Alyssa’s vivid recollection of a dream, she becomes entangled in a nightmarish scenario within the confines of a college auditorium. A stern teacher, relentless in her pursuit of discipline, scolds Alyssa for an infraction as trivial as laughter during class. The tension escalates as the teacher becomes determined to chase Alyssa down, leaving her […]

Teacher Apology Dream

Dream Snippet