Episodes & ShowNotes

This week, the podcast takes a delightful detour into the dream world of host Mindy, who recounts a whimsical scenario where she and her co-host and confidante, Brooke, find themselves in a frantic race against the clock to attend their very own Oscars ceremony for the “Best Podcast”. Adding to the dream’s charm, Will Ferrell […]

Podcast Oscar Dream

Dream Snippet

Leo bares his soul on the podcast, recounting a mortifying dream where he’s stark naked in a bustling hotel lobby, of all places, and to his horror, he bumps into an old friend. Desperate to salvage what’s left of his dignity, Leo attempts a bold maneuver to escape the embarrassment, only to inadvertently amplify the […]

Naked Heart Attack Dream

Cat Nap

Taylor unveils a vivid dream on the podcast, transporting himself to a lively party surrounded by familiar faces from the past. As the atmosphere grows more charged, attendees begin shedding their inhibitions along with their clothing, transitioning the gathering into a swingers’ affair. Despite Taylor’s earnest desire to partake in the liberating revelry, a curious […]

Never-Ending T-Shirt Dream

Dream Snippet