Episodes & ShowNotes

Lena eagerly recounts a vivid dream her daughter experienced recently. In the dream, her daughter awakens to a deceptive reality, discovering an strange crimson door within her room. Intrigued, she ventures forth, only to stumble upon a chilling tale of murder within a haunting abode. Amidst the eerie silence, an elderly woman remains indifferent to […]

Hippie Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

Steven recounts a vivid dream where he dashes into his college psychology class, only to realize he’s arrived amidst a lab session. The class is engrossed, observing an exorcism being performed on a possessed girl. Her chilling profanities and unsettling contortions rattle Steven deeply. However, the true horror unfolds when he discovers she’s followed him […]

Psych Class Exorcism Lab Dream

Dream Snippet

Jason recounts a haunting dream where malevolent children eerily encircle his bedroom. They crawl along the walls, converging towards him. Paralyzed with terror, Mike can only watch as one particularly unsettling child, contorting in uncanny ways, interrogates him, all while eerily inching towards his throat with lethal intent. | Episode 93 Full Episode Link – […]

Creepy Bedroom Kids Dream

Dream Snippet