Episodes & ShowNotes

Emily shares a frustrating dream in which she is on an endless quest to find her missing shampoo and conditioner. After a seemingly eternal search, she finally locates them, only to face another obstacle: there isn’t a single available shower in sight. Despite her efforts, she is left with dirty hair and a deep sense […]

Shampoo Conditioner Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris shares a nightmare scenario where his scariest enemy isn’t visible, but palpable, its presence looming around outside his home. He battles the unseen foe fiercely, driven by the need to protect his family and beloved fiancée from the intangible terror that threatens their safety and peace of mind. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Heavy Fog Dream

Dream Snippet

Joey finds himself plunged into a dream where he encounters a younger version of himself, poised for a family dinner in a peculiar setting—a hotel room, adorned with sheep-like figures adorning the doorways. Yet, the strange atmosphere is compounded by his mother’s erratic behavior; she consumes everyone’s food, her actions tinged with an unsettling uneasiness. […]

Sheep People Dream

Dream Snippet

Tara recounts a vivid dream on the podcast, one where she’s immersed in decorating for a lively party. However, the festive atmosphere abruptly shifts when the delivery guy’s eagerness to attend morphs into unsettling obsession. Tara’s distress deepens as she finds herself alone in her fear, her boyfriend’s indifference to her plea for assistance leaving […]

Unwelcome Delivery Dream

Dream Snippet

Kaitlyn takes listeners on an exhilarating journey through her vivid dream world, recounting a whimsical day trip with her mom that quickly takes a bizarre turn. Their ascent up a waterfall unexpectedly leads them into a perilous encounter with crocodiles in a sewer pipe. But just when you think the adventure is over, it takes […]

Crocodile Pipe Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris recounts a vivid dream in which a distressing school lockdown drill takes an unexpected turn. In this surreal scenario, the intruder not only breaches the school but bizarrely extends an invitation to himself for Thanksgiving Dinner. The would-be kidnappers, far from conventional criminals, have grander ambitions than just pilfering turkey and stuffing—they aim to […]

Thanksgiving Serial Killer Dream

Dream Snippet

Jonathan shares a prophetic dream he had as a teenager. In it, he was a nurse, weary after a long shift and yearning for the comfort of home. Strange circumstances caused him to linger in the hospital corridors waiting for his cab. What he witnessed next seems to have been a haunting glimpse into the […]

Soldier Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Heather’s dream narrative touches on an intensely unsettling scenario where she felt a deep, cutting sense of betrayal by her family, experienced acute disorientation, and awoke in an unexpected, unfamiliar setting with a profound, jarring physical alteration. | Episode 97 Content Warning: Gore Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Human Slinky Dream

Dream Snippet

Mindy, the host, unveils a dream she experienced, a dream that whisked her away on a journey aboard a luxurious aircraft. As she savored the breathtaking views from the plane’s expansive windshield, the world below unfolded like a mesmerizing canvas. However, the serenity of the flight took an unexpected twist when her seatmate in the […]

Animatronic Chicken Dream

Dream Snippet