Maggie unfolds a delightful and uplifting dream on the show. Despite finding herself in an unfamiliar setting, she discovers she’s not alone. Alongside her is a charming new companion: a precious pug puppy named Butterbean. The dream fills her with an abundance of happiness, joy, and warm cuddles. | Episode 122 Full Episode Link – […]
Jodi unveils a dream in which she’s transported back to her childhood, the atmosphere painted with the subdued hues of dusk beneath an overcast sky. In this nostalgic setting, she discovers herself nestled in a less than cozy spot, hoping to indulge in a nap. Unexpectedly, a sizable, flightless, feathered bird gracefully makes its way […]
Jess pours out her recurring dream to the podcast listeners, sharing a surreal experience where she morphs into a beloved household pet, whether a loyal dog or an aloof cat. In her dream state, she remains acutely aware, filled with joy to engage in playful antics, yet trapped in a frustrating reality where her attempts […]