Episodes & ShowNotes

Lena eagerly recounts a vivid dream her daughter experienced recently. In the dream, her daughter awakens to a deceptive reality, discovering an strange crimson door within her room. Intrigued, she ventures forth, only to stumble upon a chilling tale of murder within a haunting abode. Amidst the eerie silence, an elderly woman remains indifferent to […]

Hippie Grandma Dream

Dream Snippet

Will unfolds a perplexing dream narrative, recounting an encounter with three utterly unique and enigmatic spirits. The question lingers: do these apparitions hold any connection to the bomb threat at a near by store, or is this all an elaborate scheme to entice him into an arm wrestling contest? | Episode 96 Full Episode Link […]

Arm Wrestling Dream

Dream Snippet

Bailey emails the podcast, recounting her extraordinary extraterrestrial dream. In this cosmic adventure, she finds herself face-to-face with remarkably stylish aliens, whose charm and wit immediately captivate her. As their friendship blossoms, Bailey is swept up in a whirlwind of laughter and camaraderie, enchanted by their otherworldly sense of humor. However, bittersweet emotions arise as […]

A BFF Alien Dream

Dream Snippet