Episodes & ShowNotes

Kenny shares a haunting dream with the show where his father makes a ghostly visitation, calling his name just beyond the reaches of his sight. In the dream, his father’s presence feels eerily real, yet comforting, as if trying to convey a message from another realm. The atmosphere is surreal along a path, adding to […]

Dad’s Voice Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris shares a nightmare scenario where his scariest enemy isn’t visible, but palpable, its presence looming around outside his home. He battles the unseen foe fiercely, driven by the need to protect his family and beloved fiancée from the intangible terror that threatens their safety and peace of mind. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link […]

Heavy Fog Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kara’s dream, she wanders through a grand mansion surrounded by friendly mascots. But when she encounters a volatile old man, the atmosphere darkens, and glitchy shadows begin to chase her. With her fluffy friends offering helpful advice, Kara races through the mansion, unraveling the dream’s mysteries as she tries to escape the looming threat. […]

Mascot Mansion Dream

Dream Snippet

Monica unravels a captivating dream brimming with intrigue and unexpected plot twists. Embarking on a hike through a foreign landscape with her ex-partner, Monica finds herself facing perilous circumstances. However, her anxiety dissipates when her childhood companions, the lovable Smurfs, come to her aid. In a remarkable turn of events, they transform her ex-partner into […]

Hiking Smurf Dream

Dream Snippet

Vanessa recounts a humorous dream where she stumbles upon an outrageously large carrot. Amused by the absurdity, she decides to capture the moment with a photo, only to have her evidence swiped by her own flesh and blood, leaving her with no proof of her extraordinary discovery. | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

Giant Carrot Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet