“High five for not getting murdered!”
– Mindy –
Welcome to Episode 94 of REMelations! Dive deep with Mindy as she unveils a haunting dream from Amy, painting a world where she’s the last person alive. This introspective journey, filled with surreal landscapes and powerful symbolism, will have you reflecting on existence, connections, and the untapped corners of our minds.
But it’s not all eerie reflections. The “Cat Naps” segment offers a lighter, whimsical take on dreamland as we journey through hilarious dreams of talking fish and the Scooby-Doo gang , Taylor Swift’s shopping spree for a new feline friend, and the unexpected spectacle of The Rolling Stones’ latest music video. We’ll also explore a dream where a simple argument with mom over bananas takes a life threatening twist, and finally, the peculiar connection between feet and cucumbers. Each snippet offers both entertainment and a glimpse into our shared subconscious symbols.
Lastly, Brooke dives into the chilling real-life tale of Brian Thomas – loving husband or and the sleepwalking murderer? By the episode’s end, listeners will be left both entertained and contemplative, wondering where the line between dream and reality truly rests.
Help spread the word with this week’s Celebrity Hashtag – #WhatDoesMickJaggerDream
Man Who Killed Wife While Dreaming is Freed – https://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/europe/11/20/uk.crime.strangle/index.html
‘Night Terrors” Led to Neath Man Killing Wife – https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-mid-wales-11998813
In My Dreams She Forgives Me: Man Who Strangled His Wife in His Sleep Speaks for First Time | Rebecca Hardy – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-1230095/In-dreams-forgives-Husband-cleared-strangling-wife-nightmare-tells-remorse.html