Episodes & ShowNotes

Bec submits a dream to the podcast that begins with an innocent family game night. However, the evening takes a dark turn when a strange and unwelcome figure from her torturous past appears as her game partner, filling her with a sense of dread and unease. The familiar comfort of family is overshadowed by the […]

Family Game Night Dream

Dream Snippet

Bug recounts a recent nightmare where she finds herself on an unusual career path as a clown detective. While investigating a rundown shack, she discovers that a clown of extraordinary proportions is chasing her. Fortunately, her quick thinking and impeccable hygiene, as always, she is able to calm the familiar jester. | Episode 134 Full […]

Clown Detective Dream

Dream Snippet

Jason’s evening takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a surreal journey through the depths of his subconscious. What begins as a tranquil dinner outing with his father swiftly transmutes into a harrowing spectacle, with the sky raining down meteorites. Amidst the chaos, Jason finds himself separated from his father, forced to seek refuge […]

Dust People Armageddon Dream

Dream Snippet

Cleo captivates the audience with her surreal dream, recounting a perplexing scenario where she finds herself on the verge of giving birth, despite her stomach appearing flat and denying any signs of pregnancy. Amidst the confusion, Cleo is surrounded by a chorus of believers—from her family and boyfriend to the medical professionals—insisting on the imminent […]

Flat Stomach Pregnancy Dream

Dream Snippet

Lakeland shares a mesmerizing dream on the podcast, one that transports us into a world where a renowned billionaire becomes entangled in a clandestine government endeavor known as the “Passion Project.” Initially shrouded in mystery and intrigue, the true nature of this initiative gradually unfurls, revealing a chilling reality: it is far from a labor […]

Secret Government Project Dream

Dream Snippet

Kevin’s mind replays a chilling vision: a dream where he finds himself ensnared in a sinister government-run reality show. Each moment feels like a brush with death as contestants are ruthlessly culled through twisted games, leaving Kevin scrambling for survival amidst the chaos. His only goal: outlast the brutality long enough to claw his way […]

Government Game Dream

Dream Snippet

Joshua unveils a recurring dream on the podcast, narrating the surreal scenario of finding himself atop a rooftop, powerless to defend the innocent against the menacing threat of a flying creature and a malevolent prince. The vivid recounting leaves listeners captivated by the intricate and mysterious world within Joshua’s dreaming mind. | Episode 115 Content […]

Rooftop Hero Dream

Dream Snippet

Harry recounts a dream where he navigates through diverse settings—a hospital, an airport, and ultimately a quaint bookstore. In the small bookshop, his attention is captivated and infuriated simultaneously by a book on display, creating a curious blend of fascination and frustration within him as he is amused. | Episode 114 Full Episode Link – […]

Space Management Dream

Dream Snippet

In Alyssa’s vivid recollection of a dream, she becomes entangled in a nightmarish scenario within the confines of a college auditorium. A stern teacher, relentless in her pursuit of discipline, scolds Alyssa for an infraction as trivial as laughter during class. The tension escalates as the teacher becomes determined to chase Alyssa down, leaving her […]

Teacher Apology Dream

Dream Snippet

Teresa graciously shares a dream on the podcast that encapsulates every child’s heartfelt wish: the enchanting sight of Santa Claus atop the roof on Christmas Eve. In her dream, Teresa experiences the joyous culmination of every whimsical feeling she had ever envisioned. The moment unfolds with the magic she had always imagined, as Santa gracefully […]

Christmas Night Dream

Dream Snippet

Craig describes a series of little dreams where he engages in brawls, befriends television celebrities, adopts exotic pets, and assumes the role of a superhero—though often forgetting how to harness his powers. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Tag Team Adventure with ‘The Rock’ Dream

Dream Snippet

Hannah recounts a vivid dream where a shadowy figure, resembling a man, captivates her with a mesmerizing tango and displays of fire-breathing prowess, leaving both her and a nearby horse deeply unnerved. | Episode 97 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/e97-the-rocks-mustache-time-skips-time-slips-and-time-travel/

Fire Breathing Trickster Dream

Dream Snippet