Episodes & ShowNotes

In Alyssa’s vivid recollection of a dream, she becomes entangled in a nightmarish scenario within the confines of a college auditorium. A stern teacher, relentless in her pursuit of discipline, scolds Alyssa for an infraction as trivial as laughter during class. The tension escalates as the teacher becomes determined to chase Alyssa down, leaving her […]

Teacher Apology Dream

Dream Snippet

In Nicole’s dream, she discovers a profound connection with nature, accompanied by her serpentine companion. Immersed in the intricate workings of the animal kingdom, she diligently endeavors to fathom the minds of the creatures around her. Amidst this surreal journey, she stumbles upon a desolate amusement park, its once vibrant colors now faded and its […]

Nature Sushi Dream

Dream Snippet