Episodes & ShowNotes

Alan shares a chilling anecdote via email, attesting to the cosmic force of karma. In his dream, he attempts a burglary, only to be met with a macabre twist: the stolen valuables are infested with unsettling insects. His unsettling revelation serves as a cautionary tale, echoing the age-old adage of retribution. | Episode 133 Content […]

Maggot Weed Dream

Dream Snippet

In Leng’s unsettling dream, he comes face to face with a deceased Buddhist monk who has transformed into a menacing zombie. Fleeing from the undead horror, Leng and his companions hastily seek sanctuary within the walls of a nearby temple. Their hope is to wait out the encroaching malevolence, sheltered from its grasp. | Episode […]

Zombie Monk Dream

Dream Snippet

George recounts a gripping dream where he discovers a sizable spider in his room. Panicking, he watches in horror as it latches onto his roommate, inciting fear and chaos as it maneuvers across their body. In a sudden moment of lucidity, George questions his own unease, realizing it’s just a dream. The narrative takes a […]

Lucid Spider Dream

Dream Snippet

Abi unveils a thrilling dream, where she is suddenly jolted awake by a power outage in her bedroom. Fueled by an intense yearning to discover a hidden sanctuary, she embarks on a challenging quest. Navigating treacherous snake pits, confronting furious gorillas, and maneuvering through towering stacks of ice cream, Abi’s journey unfolds with each step. […]

Gorilla Adventure Dream

Dream Snippet

Gina recounts a haunting dream where her usual pre-dawn run morphs into a chilling chase. An innocent, neighborly wave unexpectedly triggers an intense pursuit by a morning landscaper. As Gina strategizes her escape, the pivotal question emerges: Can she outpace the looming danger? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/

 Morning Run Axe Murderer Dream

Dream Snippet

Melissa recounts a haunting dream that jolted her awake, her heart racing. Within the dream, a barren room becomes the backdrop to an eerie encounter. A man, with skin as pale as moonlight, stands at its center. Though an inexplicable pull draws her towards him, Melissa senses deception in his crimson-stained, razor-sharp smile. Yet, his […]

Vampire Smirk Dream

Dream Snippet