An anonymous dreamer vividly recounts a nightmare to the podcast: swarms of insects infesting their entire body, their wriggling driving them to the brink of madness, willing to go to any lengths to halt the torment. | Episode 137 Content Warning: Self Harm Full Episode Link –
David shares a vivid dream where he finds himself in the fantastical world of Thurtegar. In this realm, he is a courageous ranger battling villains alongside his fierce companion, a majestic fire tiger. Despite the thrilling adventures and epic battles, the highlight of his day is sharing a McDonald’s meal with his beloved grandma. She […]
Deborah recounts a troubling dream where a budding romance abruptly fizzles as her new love interest vanishes without a trace, spooked by anonymous sexting messages from Deborah’s phone. Left bewildered by the mystery of the sent videos, she grapples with the unsettling question: if Deborah didn’t send them, then who did? | Episode 125 Full […]