Episodes & ShowNotes

In the dream Lauren recounted, she encountered a persuasive talking kangaroo. This intriguing marsupial convinced her to embark on a quest as an assassin, with her target being none other than the man donned in an American Flag Tuxedo. | Episode 99 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/bi-bye-buy-peter-tripp-and-the-dj-wake-a-thon-war-of-1959/

Arnold Schwarzenegger American Flag Dream

Dream Snippet

In a serene dream, Caroline finds herself gracefully swimming amidst the vast expanse of the ocean. Here, she encounters a peculiar sea creature with an almost human touch, introducing himself as Manfish. Their brief yet magical interaction leaves a lasting impression before they gracefully part ways, each continuing their own oceanic journey. | Episode 93 […]

Handsome Manfish Dream

Dream Snippet