Madyson shares an intriguing dream with the podcast, one that takes a curious twist. In this childhood reverie set within a mysterious research building, she finds herself on a quest to locate an exit alongside enigmatic dream companions. The dream resurfaces during her teenage years, evolving into an experience that feels like a surreal journey […]
Jennifer tells of a recent dream in which she discovers herself caught in an endless jog. The tranquility of her run is abruptly shattered as cars swerve off the road, injecting an unexpected element of danger into the scenario, leaving her feeling uneasy. The dream takes an unexpected turn, morphing into a holiday spectacle as […]
Lisa recounts a haunting dream in which she finds herself entranced by an innocent-looking toddler with blonde hair and a pink dress, but beneath that cherubic facade lies a chilling thirst for blood. Despite Lisa’s desperate attempts to warn those around her about this treacherous toddler, her pleas fall on deaf ears, and no one […]
Jason recounts a haunting dream where malevolent children eerily encircle his bedroom. They crawl along the walls, converging towards him. Paralyzed with terror, Mike can only watch as one particularly unsettling child, contorting in uncanny ways, interrogates him, all while eerily inching towards his throat with lethal intent. | Episode 93 Full Episode Link – […]
Lou captivates the podcast audience with an intriguing dream that commences with the joyous celebration of a Lakers championship victory. However, a comical hot dog mishap quickly spirals into a perilous entanglement with the Mexican Cartel. Lou captivates the podcast audience with an intriguing dream that commences with the joyous celebration of a Lakers championship […]