Episodes & ShowNotes

Chloe reveals a dream where she meets an attractive, tall, tan guy with a sports car, only to find that he’s not what he seems. The encounter takes a dark turn when he suddenly informs her of her impending and immediate death. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Backseat Slasher Dream

Dream Snippet

Tara recounts a vivid dream on the podcast, one where she’s immersed in decorating for a lively party. However, the festive atmosphere abruptly shifts when the delivery guy’s eagerness to attend morphs into unsettling obsession. Tara’s distress deepens as she finds herself alone in her fear, her boyfriend’s indifference to her plea for assistance leaving […]

Unwelcome Delivery Dream

Dream Snippet

In the ethereal realm of Jessica’s dream, she finds herself immersed in a mesmerizing scene that unfolds like a masterpiece. The canvas of her subconscious paints a breathtaking tableau—a crystal-clear ocean stretching to the horizon, its depths adorned with a kaleidoscope of marine life. | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

A Whale of a Dream

Dream Snippet

Tadasay recounts a dream of embarking on a short European vacation, filled with the anticipation of catching a flight. The dream, however, takes a challenging turn as she navigates seemingly endless flights of stairs, leaving her fatigued and, to her dismay, missing not just one but both of her flights. The lingering question remains: will […]

Cat Cargo Dream

Dream Snippet

Macy recounts a dream that unfolds within the serene setting of a charming church picnic gathering. As the dream progresses, however, the tranquil atmosphere takes a dramatic and unexpected turn. Macy finds herself wandering into a perplexing labyrinth, where the once joyous occasion transforms into a disconcerting nightmare. To her astonishment, she stumbles upon her […]

Grave Robbing Husband Dream

Dream Snippet

An anonymous dream submission arrives from “W,” detailing what initially appears to be an idyllic family vacation aboard a luxurious cruise ship. However, W’s dream takes a horrifying turn when he decides to follow his newfound crush, only to discover that the handsome stranger’s true intentions are to lead him to a clandestine torture infirmary […]

Mutilation Cruise Ship Dream

Dream Snippet

Landen unfolds a star-studded dream, beginning with a routine movie outing that morphs unexpectedly. Intrigued by a trench coat-clad Jeff Goldblum, Landen discovers a clandestine theater, armed with a golden ticket. As he settles into the seemingly vacant auditorium, astonishment strikes when a unique act graces the stage—an acclaimed Texas-born, two-time Academy Award-winning actress, and […]

Jeff Goldblum Peepshow Dream

Dream Snippet