Episodes & ShowNotes

Samantha shares a dream where she finds herself standing at the altar on her wedding day. The only problem is, she doesn’t know the groom. This unexpected twist leaves listeners in suspense, wondering whether dream Samantha will marry this mysterious man or decide to bolt from the ceremony. | Episode 138 Full Episode Link – […]

Runaway Bride Dream

Dream Snippet

Mateo ushers in a dream that ignites with the intensity of a sudden explosion as he finds himself on his wedding day, about to marry his childhood crush. Despite being already committed in his waking reality, Mateo becomes immersed in a whirlwind of activity, fervently rehearsing vows, playfully falling victim to pranks, fervently searching for […]

Childhood Crush Wedding Dream

Dream Snippet

Macy recounts a dream that unfolds within the serene setting of a charming church picnic gathering. As the dream progresses, however, the tranquil atmosphere takes a dramatic and unexpected turn. Macy finds herself wandering into a perplexing labyrinth, where the once joyous occasion transforms into a disconcerting nightmare. To her astonishment, she stumbles upon her […]

Grave Robbing Husband Dream

Dream Snippet

A mysterious dream subtly infiltrates the podcast, casting a narrative that unfolds like the pages of a titillating romance novel. Our anonymous dreamer becomes entangled in a passionate affair with a stranger, but the plot thickens as her husband unexpectedly enters the scene. The anticipation builds—will he react with anger, or could there be a […]

Cheating Sex Dream

Dream Snippet

Jonathan shares a prophetic dream he had as a teenager. In it, he was a nurse, weary after a long shift and yearning for the comfort of home. Strange circumstances caused him to linger in the hospital corridors waiting for his cab. What he witnessed next seems to have been a haunting glimpse into the […]

Soldier Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Mindy, the host, unveils a dream she experienced, a dream that whisked her away on a journey aboard a luxurious aircraft. As she savored the breathtaking views from the plane’s expansive windshield, the world below unfolded like a mesmerizing canvas. However, the serenity of the flight took an unexpected twist when her seatmate in the […]

Animatronic Chicken Dream

Dream Snippet

Mary Kate shares a vivid dream that initially sparkles with joy and excitement – a wedding day! Yet, as events unfold, the glamour fades. Unexpectedly invited to join the bridal party at the eleventh hour, she’s sent into a whirlwind search for the perfect attire. The day’s challenges escalate as she’s burdened with housekeeping duties, […]

Last Minute Bridesmaid Dream

Dream Snippet