Episodes & ShowNotes

Jason’s evening takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a surreal journey through the depths of his subconscious. What begins as a tranquil dinner outing with his father swiftly transmutes into a harrowing spectacle, with the sky raining down meteorites. Amidst the chaos, Jason finds himself separated from his father, forced to seek refuge […]

Dust People Armageddon Dream

Dream Snippet

Craig shares a profound dream experience where, amidst the lively atmosphere of a house party, he unexpectedly drifts into slumber. In this dream state, he is roused by an acquaintance for an intense conversation delving into the intricate buffer zones separating dreams from reality. They explore the notion that these boundaries are governed by the […]

Prolific House Party Nap Dream 

Dream Snippet

Nicholas takes center stage in our dream log, weaving a narrative about finding himself in an airplane on the cusp of takeoff to an unknown destination. Yet, as the plane accelerates down the runway, a minor hiccup emerges, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the impending journey. The question lingers: will the glitch be rectified […]

Airplane Mashed Potatoes Dream

Dream Snippet

Nicole recalls a haunting dream from her middle school days, where she’s inexplicably transported to an environment reminiscent of a concentration camp. Surrounded by the anguished cries and clanging of iron bars, she’s presented with a dreadful ultimatum: to take the lives of the oppressed or have her own taken from her. | Episode 93 […]

Human Farm Dream

Dream Snippet