Episodes & ShowNotes

Tanya recounts a troubling dream where a budding romance abruptly fizzles as her new love interest vanishes without a trace, spooked by anonymous sexting messages purportedly from Tanya’s phone. Left bewildered by the mystery of the unsent videos, she grapples with the unsettling question: if Tanya didn’t send them, then who did? | Episode 125 […]

Embarrassing Texts Dream

Dream Snippet

Brandi’s unsettling dream sends shivers down our spines as she recounts witnessing the abduction of a dear friend. Fueled by determination to rescue her companion, Brandi plunges into the depths of her subconscious nightmare, only to stumble upon a far more ominous scheme. An evil farmer lurks in the shadows, orchestrating a sinister plan to […]

Experimental Farmer Dream

Dream Snippet

On the podcast, Kate shares a haunting dream. What begins as an anticipated cabin retreat with friends soon takes a chilling turn. Their journey is marred by unsettling sights of roadkill that, disturbingly, grow in size as they progress. Faced with increasingly unnerving omens, the group grapples with a dilemma: press on towards their destination […]

Road Kill Dream

Dream Snippet