Episodes & ShowNotes

Carla shares a childhood dream where a peaceful TV-watching session turns into a chilling nightmare. Six oily devils with lewd intentions emerge from the live TV transmission, transforming the innocent moment into a terrifying ordeal. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/snakes-are-venomous-not-poisonous-admiral-grey-and-the-human-dream-project/

Oily Devil Dream

Dream Snippet

Chris recounts a vivid dream in which a distressing school lockdown drill takes an unexpected turn. In this surreal scenario, the intruder not only breaches the school but bizarrely extends an invitation to himself for Thanksgiving Dinner. The would-be kidnappers, far from conventional criminals, have grander ambitions than just pilfering turkey and stuffing—they aim to […]

Thanksgiving Serial Killer Dream

Dream Snippet