Episodes & ShowNotes

Kate recounts a dream about the end of time. As she walks toward heaven’s pearly gates, she is bewildered by a bizarre rapture: forks and spoons cascading from the sky, creating a surreal and perplexing vision that leaves her questioning the nature of her ethereal journey. | Episode 137 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/some-sort-of-bug-freak-all-about-bed-bugs/

Sky Utensils Dream

Dream Snippet

Nicholas takes center stage in our dream log, weaving a narrative about finding himself in an airplane on the cusp of takeoff to an unknown destination. Yet, as the plane accelerates down the runway, a minor hiccup emerges, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the impending journey. The question lingers: will the glitch be rectified […]

Airplane Mashed Potatoes Dream

Dream Snippet