Episodes & ShowNotes

Bec submits a dream to the podcast that begins with an innocent family game night. However, the evening takes a dark turn when a strange and unwelcome figure from her torturous past appears as her game partner, filling her with a sense of dread and unease. The familiar comfort of family is overshadowed by the […]

Family Game Night Dream

Dream Snippet

Chloe reveals a dream where she meets an attractive, tall, tan guy with a sports car, only to find that he’s not what he seems. The encounter takes a dark turn when he suddenly informs her of her impending and immediate death. | Episode 140 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/distracted-and-attracted-are-alien-abductions-just-lucid-dreams/

Backseat Slasher Dream

Dream Snippet

Mindy, the host, unveils a dream she experienced, a dream that whisked her away on a journey aboard a luxurious aircraft. As she savored the breathtaking views from the plane’s expansive windshield, the world below unfolded like a mesmerizing canvas. However, the serenity of the flight took an unexpected twist when her seatmate in the […]

Animatronic Chicken Dream

Dream Snippet