Episodes & ShowNotes

Mark’s relaxing camping trip with friends takes a surreal twist, reminiscent of a ‘Twilight Zone’ episode, when an unexpected pit stop catapults them to a mysterious desert homestead. Here, a routine walk to the ATM becomes a baffling challenge. Falsely accused of causing damages, Mark must keep his wits about him to prove his innocence, […]

Desert Twilight Zone Dream

Dream Snippet

Williams shares a dream in which he leaps between bathrooms, transitioning from an intimate single-occupancy space to a vast, expansive wide open warehouse restroom on the loading dock. Yet, in each setting, he struggles to find the privacy he needs to attend to his affairs. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Warehouse Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet

Alana often recounts a haunting recurring dream from her childhood, a time when her parents were undergoing a tumultuous separation. In this vivid dream, she steps into a brilliantly illuminated room only to be confronted with a nightmarish vision of her mother, violently ending her father’s life. This nightmare leaves Alana to wake up each […]

Industrial Wood Chipper Dream

Dream Snippet