Episodes & ShowNotes

Jason’s evening takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a surreal journey through the depths of his subconscious. What begins as a tranquil dinner outing with his father swiftly transmutes into a harrowing spectacle, with the sky raining down meteorites. Amidst the chaos, Jason finds himself separated from his father, forced to seek refuge […]

Dust People Armageddon Dream

Dream Snippet

Katelyn, a first-time sharer, recounts a vivid dream where she stumbles upon illicit substances in a bustling nightclub, triggering a frantic escape from pursuing law enforcement officers by skillfully maneuvering through the chaos on grocery carts. Her adrenaline-fueled adventure takes an unexpected turn when she suddenly becomes an heiress, only to find herself ensnared as […]

Cop Raid Dream

Dream Snippet

Elena unveils a dream to Mindy and Brooke, a narrative that begins innocently with a mere fender bender. However, as the dream unfolds and the victim’s deceit is revealed, it leaves the trio grappling with more questions than answers. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, a glimmer of hope emerges in the form of a small, mysterious […]

Morphing Dog Dream

Dream Snippet

Natalie recounts a recent dream on the podcast, where she starts off riding in a car with her mom. Suddenly, upon achieving lucidity, she takes a bold leap, jumping out of the car only to find herself amidst the vibrant hustle and bustle of a big city. The dream takes an exhilarating turn as she […]

Biker Santa Lucid Dream

Dream Snippet

In Ellie’s dream, she’s at a friend’s wedding, but a challenging task stands between her and the celebration. Fumbling with the task and misplacing her clothes, she and her boyfriend miss the event, leading to a heated argument. The question now looms: Can they repair their rift and salvage the remainder of the dreamy occasion, […]

Wedding Argument Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kelly’s dream, she steps into the shoes of a brilliant scientist, only to be swept into a cosmic adventure when the mysteries of UFOs in our solar system unfold before her through the concealed features of her telescope. Engaging in a thrilling escapade to evade authorities intrigued by her unearthly discoveries, Kelly’s predicament takes […]

Astronomer Dream

Dream Snippet

Gina recounts a haunting dream where her usual pre-dawn run morphs into a chilling chase. An innocent, neighborly wave unexpectedly triggers an intense pursuit by a morning landscaper. As Gina strategizes her escape, the pivotal question emerges: Can she outpace the looming danger? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/

 Morning Run Axe Murderer Dream

Dream Snippet