Episodes & ShowNotes

Leslie delights us with a dream straight out of a Willy Wonka movie. In her reverie, she discovers herself transported to a fantastical realm where delectable desserts are served in the most enchanting manner – nestled within edible glassware. But here’s the twist: the secret ingredient infusing these delightful treats with an extra dash of […]

Edible Dishes Dream

Dream Snippet

In Kristin’s vivid dream, she unfolds an enchanting scene as she discovers herself amidst an elaborate tea party. As the tea service commences, a moment of intrigue unfolds when a cup containing an extraordinary amphibious tea materializes before her, adorned with a distinctive garnish. The question lingers in the air: Does Kristin possess the daring […]

Frog Tea Dream

Dream Snippet

Aubrey recounts a rather pungent dream where she finds herself reluctantly stuck with dish duty during a holiday dinner at her aunt’s house. Amidst the clatter of plates and cutlery, an urgent call to use the restroom takes an unexpected turn, leaving an awkward stain on the familial festivities. In the aftermath of this embarrassing […]

Unclean Dishwashing Dream

Dream Snippet