Episodes & ShowNotes

In Janice’s dream, surviving the sinking of the Titanic was miraculous, but it came at a cost. She found herself forever trapped in the body of a mermaid, condemned to swim in cold waters for hours. The miracle of survival turned into an eternal, chilling ordeal. | Episode 136 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/chicken-of-the-trees-celebrity-besties/

Cold Water Mermaid Dream

Dream Snippet

Ivan recounts a dream in which the allure of a spontaneous last-minute camping trip captivates him. Eagerly embracing the idea, he immerses himself in a whirlwind of activity, meticulously packing everything from clothing to plates. Yet, as his fervor for preparation intensifies, the packing list seems to expand endlessly, consuming the entire day. Regrettably, the […]

Never-Ending Packing Dreams

Dream Snippet

Lan recounts a deeply emotional pregnancy dream in which the awaited bundle of joy deviated from her expectations. While her love for the child remained undiminished, Lan grappled with complex feelings and an unsettling uncertainty: Who was the child’s father? | Episode 103 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/the-sour-cream-makes-it-supreme/

Ramen Baby Dream

Dream Snippet

Leanna vividly describes a dream where she’s immersed in a maternal moment, bathing her infant daughter. However, this tranquil scene is abruptly shattered when she discovers a mysterious object in the bathtub. But what truly astonishes is her unexpected decision in response to this find, marking the most startling turn of her dream. | Episode […]

Disturbing Bath Discovery Dream

Dream Snippet

Meredith is ensnared in a vivid dream where her once-trusted bedroom printer morphs into a monstrous entity, its gears and rollers churning out sheets faster than the eye can see. Can she elude the malevolent machine and its razor-sharp paper edges before it’s too late? | Episode 96 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/printer-exorcism-birthday-madlibs/

Demonic Printer Dream

Dream Snippet

Brian delves into a chilling childhood nightmare etched in his memory. Amid a thunderous storm, he seeks refuge in his parents’ bed, only to confront a malevolent scarecrow lurking beneath. Paralyzed with fear, he’s unable to rouse his slumbering parents, and the scarecrow’s ominous presence intensifies. But the true horror unfolds when Brian discovers the […]

Under Bed Scarecrow Dream

Dream Snippet