Episodes & ShowNotes

In Jessica’s vivid dream, she finds herself in a hotel bathroom, violently vomiting an awful substance. Desperate for help, she rushes to the lobby, where an unusual front desk pharmacist offers her aid. This bizarre encounter leaves her feeling unsettled and confused, blurring the lines between reality and nightmare. | Episode 146 Full Episode Link […]

Roach Vomit Dream

Dream Snippet

Isabella shares a dream about her graduation commencement, where a haunting voice and an eerie presence make an unsettling appearance. As she poses for her commencement photos, the presence twirls beside her, creating a surreal and disturbing experience that leaves a lasting impression on her graduation day memory. | Episode 141 Full Episode Link – […]

Graduation Attachment Dream

Dream Snippet

Vanessa recounts a humorous dream where she stumbles upon an outrageously large carrot. Amused by the absurdity, she decides to capture the moment with a photo, only to have her evidence swiped by her own flesh and blood, leaving her with no proof of her extraordinary discovery. | Episode 115 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/its-the-crunch-of-the-carrot-nightmares-and-brainspotting/

Giant Carrot Dream

Dream Snippet

Kelly recounts a vivid dream of visiting a tattoo parlor, eager for some fresh ink. Unexpectedly, her daughter, present at the scene, decides to surprise her with a special design. Blending unique phrases with cherished Disney and cartoon icons, Kelly emerges from the shop bearing not one, but a staggering 17 new tattoos. | Episode […]

Tattoo Catch Phrase Dream

Dream Snippet