Episodes & ShowNotes

Ben shares a dream that profoundly challenges his lifestyle. As a committed vegan, he is shocked to find himself not only preparing but also craving a meat dish. However, this isn’t your typical beef, chicken, or pork. This dish is something far more unsettling, pushing the boundaries of comfort for everyone. | Episode 136 Full […]

Vegan Eating Meat Dream

Dream Snippet

Sarah Jessica Parker opens up to Bon Appétit Magazine, recounting a Thanksgiving nightmare that unfolded during her inaugural attempt at hosting a Thanksgiving dinner celebration. The climax of stress manifested when, in a dramatic moment, she unveiled the centerpiece of the feast—a less-than-appetizing turkey that left everyone at the table still hungering for a satisfying […]

Turkey Carcass Dream

Episode Dream Category

Charlie captivates their audience with a riveting tale of a premonitory dream. What had started as an enjoyable evening of crafting homemade pizzas took a perilous turn the very next day. As the story unfolds, the question looms large: Did Charlie’s dream hold a cryptic warning, desperately trying to communicate a looming threat? | Episode […]

Pizza Premonition Dream

Dream Snippet

Teagan recounts a dream filled with intrigue and surrealism, where billionaire Elon Musk unexpectedly becomes their new neighbor, erecting a lavish home next door. In a twist of fate, Teagan finds themselves invited over for dinner, only to be taken aback by Elon’s casual attitude towards the evening’s dinner plans and his peculiar obsession with […]

A Dream about Elon Musk’s LEGO Obsession

Dream Snippet