Anne shares a haunting and gruesome childhood dream where she finds herself strapped to an operating table, surrounded by doctors who insist on removing her organs one by one. As they operate, they force her to watch, not only performing the surgery but also cannibalizing her body. | Episode 143 Content Warning: Cannibalism Full Episode […]
Michaela dreamt of a local cricket pitch where she faced a lion. The chase was on, and she and her brother barely reached their house. Suddenly, the lion transformed into an evil woman in red, as dangerous as the beast. This nightmarish encounter left Michaela wondering about its meaning. | Episode 142 Content Warning: Death […]
G shares another dream with the show, recalling a chilling scene where he is bound to a slab table while dark, distorted figures slowly dismember his body, carrying his limbs away one by one. The most disturbing aspect, however, is G’s unsettling sense of calm and indifference towards the nightmare scenario. | Episode 140 Content […]