Episodes & ShowNotes

Marie opens up on the podcast, recounting a dream that takes her on a self-reflective journey back to her younger days. In this dream realm, she discovers a transformed wardrobe curated by her stepmother—colorful, impeccably organized, and designer-made. However, rather than reveling in joy, Marie finds herself yearning for her beloved goth-style garments. Amidst the […]

New Wardrobe Dream

Dream Snippet

Marcos recounts an exasperating dream. In it, he and his mother are in a desperate race to escape an oncoming tsunami. While Marco senses the urgency of a swift escape, his mother gets sidetracked, preoccupied with unpacking the car and engaging in a seemingly trivial dispute about bananas, all while the monstrous wave looms closer. […]

Bananas Argument Dream

Dream Snippet