Episodes & ShowNotes

Kelly recounts a vivid dream of visiting a tattoo parlor, eager for some fresh ink. Unexpectedly, her daughter, present at the scene, decides to surprise her with a special design. Blending unique phrases with cherished Disney and cartoon icons, Kelly emerges from the shop bearing not one, but a staggering 17 new tattoos. | Episode […]

Tattoo Catch Phrase Dream

Dream Snippet

Hana leads us on an exhilarating journey through a dream, immersing herself in a breathtaking firework display alongside her boyfriend. However, the enchantment takes an unexpected turn as paranoia creeps in, revealing their surroundings to be infiltrated by covert agents on a mission to uncover illicit substances. In a daring escape, Hana stumbles upon a […]

Weed Hiding Dream

Dream Snippet