Episodes & ShowNotes

Emilie recounts a haunting, recurring dream from her youth for the show. What begins as a delightful camping excursion with her father and siblings takes a harrowing turn. While gathering firewood and browsing a charming Northwoods gift shop, the idyllic forested backdrop suddenly shifts into an eerie terrain. One by one, her siblings begin to […]

Northwoods Gift Shop Dream

Dream Snippet

Join Sara as she recounts a whimsical dream, where she navigated a series of intricate steps that revealed a mesmerizing world teeming with endearing baby penguins and a magnificent playground like no other. | Episode 99 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/bi-bye-buy-peter-tripp-and-the-dj-wake-a-thon-war-of-1959/

Baby Penguin Dream

Dream Snippet

Gabriel recounts a dream reminiscent of Snow White’s classic tale, wherein he courageously bites into a poison apple. To his surprise, rather than succumbing to the expected peril, he discovers he has received a superpower. Gabriel finds his new talents remarkably handy while navigating the enchanting landscapes of an apple orchard. The dream unfolds as […]

Poison Apple Dream

Dream Snippet