Masie vividly recounts a recent dream, where a chilling vision unfolds before her eyes: the devil himself prowling the streets of her town, imposing his malevolent presence with a disturbing nonchalance. In a surreal twist, she observes the sinister figure seamlessly blending his nefarious deeds with the mundane routine of a morning jog, showcasing a […]
Anonymous has shared a vivid dream in which the dreamer, accompanied by a group of friends, goes shopping at a dress barn. However, as they exit, the serene sky transforms into darkness, unleashing a sudden tornado. In a surprising turn of events, the dreamer’s ex-boyfriend emerges as the unexpected hero, swooping in to rescue her […]
Julie unveils a haunting childhood dream with the podcast, recounting the eerie scenario where she’s whisked away by, dark-hooded druids into the depths of an underground corridor. As she’s carried, kicking and screaming, anxiety grips her about the mysterious fate awaiting her. However, the tension takes an unexpected turn when the druids dramatically unveil a […]