Episodes & ShowNotes

Shonda vividly recounts a haunting dream she experienced, where she found herself in a desolate landscape confronted by a mysterious glass elevator. Desperate for refuge from a slime monster, she hesitantly enters the elevator, seeking safety. However, instead of sanctuary, she is plunged into a terrifying free fall, hurtling towards an abyss that feels like […]

Elevator to Hellscape Dream

Dream Snippet

Larsen unfolds a vivid dream, navigating a surreal realm where he seamlessly transitions from one character to another. He leaps into the shoes of a homeless man, caked in mud, then seamlessly transforms into a town bard crooning about the perils of infection. The dream culminates in a dangerous portrayal of a cave-dwelling couple. This […]

Quantum Leap Dream

Dream Snippet

Georgia recounts a deeply surreal dream in which a jubilant, sunlit celebration of corn unexpectedly takes a dark and sinister turn. As the lively festivities unfold and the air fills with laughter, her carefree niece is eerily abducted by mysterious hat-clad figures, their unsettling exposed flesh sending chills down her spine. | Episode 98 Content […]

Skinless Party Goer Dream

Dream Snippet