Jason’s evening takes an unexpected turn as he embarks on a surreal journey through the depths of his subconscious. What begins as a tranquil dinner outing with his father swiftly transmutes into a harrowing spectacle, with the sky raining down meteorites. Amidst the chaos, Jason finds himself separated from his father, forced to seek refuge […]
Charles finds himself transported into a surreal landscape, shrouded in ash, with a burnt-out house and an abandoned greenhouse beckoning for exploration. However, his reverie takes a chilling turn when an owl statue animates and relentlessly pursues him. As the dream shifts, Charles finds himself amidst the familiar settings of a gas station and his […]
Karen shares a vivid dream where she’s basking in the joy of a lively party. As the moment for dessert arrives, she’s captivated by the sight of a gorgeous cake that promises indulgence. Her anticipation reaches its peak, and she eagerly takes a bite, only to be met with a shocking and unpleasant surprise as […]
Lucas recounts a vivid dream where he found himself on a mystical volcanic island with his classmates. Together, they embarked on a perilous journey, climbing the smoldering peak. As they neared the summit, Lucas faced an unexpected twist of fate. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/