In Jessica’s vivid dream, she finds herself in a hotel bathroom, violently vomiting an awful substance. Desperate for help, she rushes to the lobby, where an unusual front desk pharmacist offers her aid. This bizarre encounter leaves her feeling unsettled and confused, blurring the lines between reality and nightmare. | Episode 146 Full Episode Link […]
Ryan recalls a dream where he strangely witnesses his own funeral, a surreal premonition that unsettles him deeply. The dream also leaves him with a haunting imperative: he must somehow disable his GPS, fearing that failing to do so could cause his dreams to manifest in reality. | Episode 139 Full Episode Link –
Mac recounts a mentally draining dream rife with paranoia, where the ominous presence of government drones encircle his home. In a frenzied rush, he scrambles to secure windows and doors in a desperate attempt to restrict their entry. Oddly, amidst the chaos, his parents appear surprisingly nonchalant about the airborne visitors, adding a perplexing layer […]
Roger sends in a chilling nightmare to the show, recounting a terrifying experience where he’s thrust into the heart of Camp Crystal Lake, a notorious setting for horrors, with a chainsaw-wielding maniac hot on his heels. The relentless pursuit leaves Roger drained and on the verge of giving in to the grim realization that escape […]
Kayla shares a disconcerting dream where she finds herself at an opulent, three-tiered pool. However, her excitement turns to horror as she takes the plunge and discovers that the pool holds a nightmarish secret, unlike anything she could have ever imagined. | Episode 93 Content Warning: Death Full Episode Link –
Charlie captivates their audience with a riveting tale of a premonitory dream. What had started as an enjoyable evening of crafting homemade pizzas took a perilous turn the very next day. As the story unfolds, the question looms large: Did Charlie’s dream hold a cryptic warning, desperately trying to communicate a looming threat? | Episode […]
Dean recounts an unusual dream where a vital male body part unexpectedly detaches, taking on a life of its own. With swift reflexes, Dean manages to apprehend the wandering appendage, and places it in a common air tight kitchen container, ensuring a prompt and optimistic reunion. | Episode 90 Content Warning: Adult Content, Sexual Acts, Explicit […]