Episodes & ShowNotes

A dream submitted anonymously has us intrigued and scratching our heads. It kicks off with a fantastical showdown between trees transforming into bears and cats on motorbikes. Just as the anonymous dreamer manages to escape this surreal battleground, the narrative takes an abrupt twist, placing them on the uproarious set of a slapstick comedy. In […]

Pie in the Face Dream

Dream Snippet

In a vivid and striking dream, Tiffany vividly recalls her ex-husband nonchalantly dropping off a towering pile of his impulsive buys right at her front door. As she curiously sifts through the unexpected, chaotic clutter, she gradually uncovers several invaluable treasures and hidden gems amidst the overwhelming mess. | Episode 100 Full Episode Link – […]

Truckloads of Junk Dream

Dream Snippet

Williams shares a dream in which he leaps between bathrooms, transitioning from an intimate single-occupancy space to a vast, expansive wide open warehouse restroom on the loading dock. Yet, in each setting, he struggles to find the privacy he needs to attend to his affairs. | Episode 98 Full Episode Link – https://remelations.com/jordan-air-rockets-celebrity-sleep-disorders/

Warehouse Bathroom Dream

Dream Snippet