Episodes & ShowNotes

Ivan recounts a dream in which the allure of a spontaneous last-minute camping trip captivates him. Eagerly embracing the idea, he immerses himself in a whirlwind of activity, meticulously packing everything from clothing to plates. Yet, as his fervor for preparation intensifies, the packing list seems to expand endlessly, consuming the entire day. Regrettably, the […]

Never-Ending Packing Dreams

Dream Snippet

Mary Kate shares a vivid dream that initially sparkles with joy and excitement – a wedding day! Yet, as events unfold, the glamour fades. Unexpectedly invited to join the bridal party at the eleventh hour, she’s sent into a whirlwind search for the perfect attire. The day’s challenges escalate as she’s burdened with housekeeping duties, […]

Last Minute Bridesmaid Dream

Dream Snippet