Episodes & ShowNotes

Marie opens up on the podcast, recounting a dream that takes her on a self-reflective journey back to her younger days. In this dream realm, she discovers a transformed wardrobe curated by her stepmother—colorful, impeccably organized, and designer-made. However, rather than reveling in joy, Marie finds herself yearning for her beloved goth-style garments. Amidst the […]

New Wardrobe Dream

Dream Snippet

On the podcast, Kate shares a haunting dream. What begins as an anticipated cabin retreat with friends soon takes a chilling turn. Their journey is marred by unsettling sights of roadkill that, disturbingly, grow in size as they progress. Faced with increasingly unnerving omens, the group grapples with a dilemma: press on towards their destination […]

Road Kill Dream

Dream Snippet

At a dreamy family barbecue, Samantha is surrounded by loved ones, including her heavenly-visiting grandmother. Amid the joy, an out-of-place blob monster looms. As Samantha tries to escape its eerie presence, she discovers the creature’s unsettling interest in the children and family dogs. Now, she must protect them from this uninvited menace. | Episode 93 […]

Non-Verbal Monster Dream

Dream Snippet