Stella’s dream leaves us thoroughly baffled! From a military homecoming to feeding her dog, then being chased by sketchy figures, it’s a whirlwind of confusion. This chaotic sequence ultimately ends on a haunting note, leaving us wondering what it all means. | Episode 151 Full Episode Link –
Joshua recounts a surreal dream where the planet has been overrun by communist aliens, who impose a bizarre new order—forcing humanity to abandon all modern technology and return to an analog way of life. In this dystopian world, the aliens even indoctrinate the world’s children by making them watch old approved episodes of Doctor Who, […]
Noah recalls a bizarre dream where a one-dimensional, pixelated demon lady repeatedly tries to hit his car with hers. All he wanted was to be friendly and pet her cat! Instead, his innocent gesture sparks her furious attempts to damage his vehicle, leaving him both bewildered and amused by the surreal encounter. | Episode 148 […]
Jackson captivates the podcast audience with a dream so enchanting, it leaves us in a melodic trance. Within his dream, he finds himself entranced by haunting melodies and yet-to-be-written songs that stir his soul. Surrounded by a symphony of instruments and compositions, he is haunted by these elusive pieces, their ethereal beauty lingering long after […]
Daryl unveils a dream on the show that elicits a momentary hush. In the dream, as he enters a hospital for a routine procedure, an unsettling twist occurs: he attempts self-harm, but his efforts falter, caught in striking detail on the watchful eyes of security footage. The aftermath leaves Daryl haunted by the weight of […]
Jake contributes a vivid dream to the show, immersing himself in the nostalgia of his childhood bedroom. Attempting to relish a moment of tranquility with his cherished toy, his peaceful reverie is abruptly shattered when his father rudely barges in, disrupting the serenity of his playtime. In an unexpected surge of emotion, Jake finds himself […]
A dream submitted anonymously has us intrigued and scratching our heads. It kicks off with a fantastical showdown between trees transforming into bears and cats on motorbikes. Just as the anonymous dreamer manages to escape this surreal battleground, the narrative takes an abrupt twist, placing them on the uproarious set of a slapstick comedy. In […]