Christian shares an intriguing dream during the show, recounting an exhilarating elevator ride where each floor reveals a new surprise. The journey oscillates between ups and downs, promising adventure at every turn. Will he ever reach his party destination amidst this thrilling escapade? | Episode 121 Full Episode Link –
Rosa recounts a dream that whisked her into the enchanting realm of a whimsical physics shop, where she sought glimpses of her future. Yet, her quest for clarity turned awry amidst the chaos of unruly children darting about. Disheartened, she turned to the fortune teller’s supposed wisdom, only to find their prophecies tangled in a […]
Teresa graciously shares a dream on the podcast that encapsulates every child’s heartfelt wish: the enchanting sight of Santa Claus atop the roof on Christmas Eve. In her dream, Teresa experiences the joyous culmination of every whimsical feeling she had ever envisioned. The moment unfolds with the magic she had always imagined, as Santa gracefully […]
In Brandon’s intriguing dream submission for this episode, he recounts an unusual twist in what should have been a routine trip to the mall for his beloved Indian cuisine. As he heads towards the food destination, he unexpectedly becomes a witness to an unthinkable act committed by the mall Santa. The festive figure, usually synonymous […]